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VL China Fund

Please note that no unit of VL China Fund has been on offer since 15 July 2024. For details, please refer to the “Notices to Unitholders (July 2024)” posted under the section headed “Documents”.

VL China Fund

A sub fund (and currently the only sub fund) under VL Trusts, a Hong Kong umbrella unit trust authorized under Section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of Hong Kong, of which VL Asset Management Limited is the Manager.

SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of a scheme nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of a scheme or its performance. It does not mean the scheme is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.


Fund performance is calculated by VL Asset Management Limited in HKD on a NAV to NAV basis with dividends reinvested and is net of all fees. The fund was launched on 10 August 2015. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

请注意,自2024年7月15日起,以立中国基金已不再发行单位。详情请参阅「文件」部分的「致单位持有人之通知(2024 年7 月)」。






請注意,自2024年7月15日起,以立中國基金已不再發行單位。詳情請參閱「文件」部分的「致單位持有人之通知(2024 年7 月)」。






Class A Class B
Current NAV HKD UnitsAs of 2024-08-21 86.5418 97.2769
Since launch
The NAVs are also available on the following websites: Bloomberg (China Fund HKD Units)

VL China Fund(A Units) Price


Key Fact Sheets

Monthly Report

Annual Report

Interim Report

Explanatory Memorandum

Notices to Unit Holders

Contact Details of Distributors

Risk Alert

What are the key risks?

Investment involves risks. Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum for details including the risk factors. The key risks are as follows:

1. Investment risk
The fund is an investment fund. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal.
The fund’s investment portfolio may fall in value and therefore your investment in the fund may suffer losses.

2. Concentration risk
The fund’s investments are concentrated in China and Hong Kong. This may result in greater volatility than portfolios which comprise broad-based global investments.

3. Risk of investing in China
Investing in China involves a greater risk of loss than investing in more developed markets due to, among other factors, greater political, tax, economic, foreign exchange, repatriation, liquidity and regulatory risks.
The stock markets in China are still in a stage of development, which may lead to uncertainties and difficulties in settlement and recording of transactions and in interpreting and applying relevant regulations. These may lead to a higher level of volatility and instability associated with investments in these markets. The financial reporting standards and practices applicable to PRC companies may be less rigorous. As the disclosure and regulatory standards in the PRC are less stringent than in more developed markets, there might be substantially less publicly available information about issuers in the PRC on which the Manager can base investment decisions.

4. Risks relating to Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (collectively, the “Stock Connect”)
The relevant rules and regulations on the Stock Connect are subject to change which may have potential retrospective effect.
The Stock Connect is subject to quota limitations. Where a suspension in the trading through the programme is effected, the fund’s ability to invest in A-shares through the programme will be adversely affected.
Due to the difference in trading days, on days when the PRC market is open but the Hong Kong market is closed, the fund may be subject to a risk of price fluctuations in A-shares as the fund will not be able to trade through the Stock Connect.
In such events, the fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective could be negatively affected.

5. Equity securities related risk
Equity markets may fluctuate significantly with prices rising and falling sharply, and this will have a direct impact on the fund. When equity markets are volatile, the fund’s net asset value may fluctuate substantially. The net asset value of the fund may be adversely affected in the event of a market downturn.

6. China tax risk
The fund may be exposed to risks associated with changes in current Chinese tax laws, regulations and practice (which may have retrospective effect). Having consulted independent tax adviser, the Manager has not made and currently has no intention to make provision in respect of potential tax liability on gains on trading of B-Shares. Further, having taken and considered independent professional tax advice and in accordance with such advice, the Manager will also not make any withholding income tax provision for the account of the fund in respect of any potential PRC tax liability on gross unrealised and realised gains realised on the fund’s trading of A-shares. In the event that such tax liability is imposed, the relevant amounts will be deducted from the fund’s assets which may consequently reduce the value of the units.

7. Foreign exchange risk
An investment in the fund may involve exchange rate risk. The investments of the fund may be denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the fund (which is HKD), including the RMB. The RMB is not freely convertible and subject to exchange controls and restrictions. There is also no guarantee that such other currencies will not depreciate. Fluctuations in the exchange rates between such other currencies and the base currency as well as associated fees and charges may have an adverse impact on the performance of the fund.

8. Performance fee risk
Performance fees may encourage the Manager to make riskier investment decisions than in the absence of performance-based incentive systems. There is no adjustment of equalisation credit or equalisation losses on an individual unitholder basis. This method of calculating performance fee gives rise to the risk that a unitholder redeeming units may still incur performance fee in respect of the units, even though a loss in investment capital has been suffered by the redeeming unitholder.

9. Derivatives risk
The Manager may from time to time utilise derivatives for the purpose of hedging only. These instruments can be highly volatile and expose investors to a high risk of loss. There is also no guarantee that the use of financial derivatives instruments for hedging purposes will be effective and the fund may be subject to substantial loss.





2. 集中风险

3. 投资于中国的风险

4. 与沪港通及深港通(「股票市场交易互联互通机制」)相关的风险
此机制受额度限制所限。 一旦北向交易暂停,子基金透过该机制投资A股的能力将受到不利影响。

5. 与股本证券相关的风险

6. 中国税务风险

7. 外汇风险

8. 表现费风险

9. 衍生工具风险



1. 投資風險
- 本基金是一個投資基金,並不保證可獲退還本金。
- 本基金的投資組合價值可能下跌,因此,閣下於本基金的投資或會蒙受損失。

2. 集中風險

3. 投資於中國的風險

  • - 由於政治、稅務、經濟、匯兌、匯返、流通性及監管風險較高,故相對投資於已發展國家,投資於中國涉及較高損失風險。
  • - 中國的股票市場仍處於發展階段,因而可能會產生不明朗因素及導致在交易的結算及記錄和有關規例的註釋及應用方面出現困難。該等因素可能導致於該等市場的投資出現較大的波動及不穩定。
  • - 中國公司採用的財務申報準則及慣例可能較為寬鬆。由於中國的披露及監管準則不及已發展市場般嚴格,故有關中國發行人的公開資料(而經理人可據此作出投資決定)可能會顯著較少。

4. 與滬港通及深港通(「股票市場交易互聯互通機制」)相關的風險
- 股票市場交易互聯互通機制的相關規則及規例可予改變,而該等改變或可追溯生效。此機制受額度限制所限。
- 一旦北向交易暫停,子基金透過該機制投資A股的能力將受到不利影響。
- 鑑於中港兩地的交易日並不相同,當內地市場為交易日而香港市場休市時,子基金將不能透過該機制買賣A股,因而可能承受A股價格波動的風險。
- 在上述情況下,子基金達致投資目標之能力或將受到不良影響。

5. 與股本證券相關的風險

6. 中國稅務風險
- 本基金可能須面對與中國現行稅務法例、法規及慣例變更有關的風險,而有關變動可能具有追溯效力。
- 經諮詢獨立稅務顧問後,經理人目前無意就買賣B股所得收益的潛在稅務責任作出撥備。此外,經考慮及採納獨立專業稅務意見後,並根據有關意見,經理人亦不會為本基金就買賣A股所得的未變現及已變現收益總額的任何潛在中國稅務責任作出任何預扣所得稅撥備。倘須承擔有關稅務責任,相關金額將於本基金的資產中扣除,故單位的價值可能減少。

7. 外匯風險

8. 表現費風險
- 相對於在假設不收取表現費的情況下,表現費制度可能鼓勵經理人作出較高風險的投資決定。
- 本基金不會為個別單位持有人就表現費進行均衡信貸或均衡虧損之調整。即使贖回單位的單位持有人的投資本金已蒙受虧損,此計算表現費的方法使該單位持有人仍可能須就單位承擔表現費。

9. 衍生工具風險

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is this product?
What is the objective?
What is the investment strategy?
What are the differences in Class A and Class B?
What are the key risks?
What are the fees and charges?
Is there any guarantee?
How can I subscribe to the fund/ redeem my units?
What should I do if I have an enquiry?
Where can I get the latest fund information?
What is the frequency of subscription/redemption?